- 가목적어 it이 있을 경우, 진목적어로 올 수 있는 것은 to부정사 또는 that절이다.
1. I found it easy to use the software.
2. The entire staff thought it peculiar that the CEO didn't attend the seminar.
peculiar 이상한, 특유의
- 가목적어 it이 쓰이는 대표적인 구문 [make it possible]
1. The machinery will make it possible to increase productivity.
productivity 생산성
2. Revisions to the contract will make it possible to negotiate interest rates.
interest rates 이자율 인상
1. The proposed budget increases would make it possible to give added support to each sector of the firm.
The proposed budget increases 제안된 예산 증가분
each sector of the firm 기업의 각 부서
2. The whole community found it unreasonable that the city proposed building a landfill site within a 20 mile radius of the city limits.
whole community 전 지역 사회
unreasonable 불합리한, 이치에 맞지 않는
landfill site 쓰레기 매립지
3. To develop a spirit of creativity in the office, supervisors should make it a point to recognize the initiative of each employee.
in the office 직장에서
a spirit of creativity 창의력
initiative 독창성
make it a point to do 반드시 ~ 하다, ~을 중시하다(make a point of -ing)
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