datafile 'D:\oracle\oracledata\200805\TS_ejb1400_7.dbs' size 20M
default storage (initial 128k next 64k pctincrease 10);
create user ejb1400_7 identified by oracle
default tablespace TS_ejb1400_7
temporary tablespace temp;
GRANT connect, resource to ejb1400_7;
grant create session to ejb1400_7;
datafile 'D:\oracle\oracledata\200805\TS_ejb1400_7.dbs' size 20M
default storage (initial 128k next 64k pctincrease 10);
create user ejb1400_7 identified by oracle
default tablespace TS_ejb1400_7
temporary tablespace temp;
GRANT connect, resource to ejb1400_7;
grant create session to ejb1400_7;